Showing Tag: "teaching" (Show all posts)

How Lucky We Are Teaching Magic Classes

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, May 21, 2010, In : Magic Class Experiences 

Last night I was talking with a professional woman who works in a law office. She makes good money working nine to five. She was lamenting however that she also has to commute over two hours a day to the west side of Los Angeles. Oh, and that one of her bosses is a real sour puss. (Those are not the words she used, I had to change a few words to protect the innocent!) This boss is a real complainer about the clients she has to deal with, the quality and speed of work getting done in the offic...
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Starting New Sessions!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, February 5, 2010, In : Magic Class Tips 
I am back in full swing teaching at four different schools. The classes range from ten students to over twenty in a couple of the classes. A good crowd of kids for each week!

I didn't tell you about the class graduations last session. The class with the Kindergartners was fun. I have never allowed Kinders in my classes before. They just can't learn anything that takes much skill. (I take that back. When I was in Kindergarten a girl in my class could play "Flight of the Bumblebees" on the piano...
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About Me

Doug Welcome Teachers to the Teaching Magic Blog! I will use it to document the classes I teach adding any tips or tribulations I encounter. If you have any questions, comments or class experiences you would like to share then e-mail them to me and I will add them here!