How Lucky We Are Teaching Magic Classes

May 21, 2010

Last night I was talking with a professional woman who works in a law office. She makes good money working nine to five. She was lamenting however that she also has to commute over two hours a day to the west side of Los Angeles. Oh, and that one of her bosses is a real sour puss. (Those are not the words she used, I had to change a few words to protect the innocent!) This boss is a real complainer about the clients she has to deal with, the quality and speed of work getting done in the office and even co- workers. My friend was telling me how other workers in other offices around the country won’t take or return her calls. More complaining is done about that! It is no wonder that others don’t want to talk to and be dragged down by this boss.
Contrast this to teaching magic classes. My kids come running to class. Getting there first is an honor that kids brag about to others coming in after them. They are eager to learn. They ask what day is today? (As in “what is the theme?”) And give out cheers or oohs and ahs when they hear it is Optical Illusion day or Circus day. They quiet down when asked to so we can move on. They light up when explaining how they fooled their mom or dad with last weeks tricks. They give hugs on the last day of class saying they are sad class is over. They actually say thank you without a parent cueing them. I always say how I would rather perform for a room full of kids than drunks any day of the week. Now I get to say I would rather work with a room full of kids than office with sour pusses. Hopefully you agree how lucky we are.

Bloody Nose

May 10, 2010
I had a little scare in magic class. While teaching an optical illusion I noticed one of my students had a bloody nose. Not a little bloody nose but a gusher. A stream of crimson tide flowing from his nostril. I stayed calm and remarked “you have a bloody nose” as I walked over the sink in the classroom and grabbed some paper towels. By the time I got to him he had plenty of blood on his hands. I had him lay down and hold the paper towels to his nose. He wasn’t the type to panic thank g...
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Disappearing Chocolate

May 5, 2010
Do you like chocolate? I like chocolate. Since I learned dark chocolate is good for you all the guilt went away. I eat half a small Trader Joe’s dark chocolate bar every evening. I break it into little chunks. Some I bite and let them turn into a thick goo in my mouth and others I let melt all the way down into a little sliver of deliciousness. Mmmmm… sorry, I drifted off to the land of chocolate for a moment.
What does this have to do with magic? Some people don’t like to work with kids...
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Inside Out Book - A Tough One To Make!

April 20, 2010
I finally took in to a class the Inside Out Book. I have been putting it off since it is a bit complicated to make. I ended up making each one for the kids in my class.
The effect is very cool. You have a little business size booklet that seems to have more pages but you cannot get to them. You have to know the secret way of opening it to see the other pages. The graphics I added are of a top hat and when you open the book correctly a rabbit pops out, first just the ears and then the entire r...
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Something New - Floating Asteriod!

March 23, 2010
Did Illusion Day at my class on Monday. Kids always seem to love the material in that class. Now, when I say illusion I mean optical illusions not the sawing a girl in half illusion. And the kids seem to know this because we talked about optical and auditory illusions the first day.
I always seem to find something to tweak each time I present the same class. I re-worked the illusion sheet, which we didn't even get to! I'll bring it again next week. I haven't done The Fishy Story for a while an...
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March 19, 2010
Another Magic Class graduated yesterday. Always mixed emotions for the kids. They are excited to get their wands but sad to see the class end. But we had a ton of fun as I added a game to play and gave them a graduation present that is pretty cool. (Message me if you would like details on how you can make them yourself for less than a nickel each. You can easily make enough for each class while watching your favorite TV show!)
The only odd thing during this graduation was an older student who ...
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Carnival Day

March 12, 2010
Here is why you should pay attention to your students when they are learning a new trick and playing with it. (You are giving them time to play with the trick/props before moving on to the next trick right?)

We did Carnival Day today which is a variation of Circus Day. I ask them what is the difference between a Circus and a Carnival. Some have no idea and some come up with ideas like; more animals at a circus, more rides at a carnival, more acts at a circus more games at a carnival. It is th...
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Circus Day

March 9, 2010
At my Monday class we had Circus Day. Actually we had two days, part one last week and part two this week. I broke it up into two classes because we did Circus Belts as a project this time. Usually I demonstrate the belts and send home the instructions as "magic homework" but this time we all made the belts in class to take home.

It started off with my showing off the routine but instead of strips of newspaper like I have used in the past I used colored crepe paper. Red, white and blue to mak...
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Graduation Day!

February 24, 2010
Wow, this six week session flew by!
I was as sad as the kids were to have graduation come so fast. I guess I am just used to 8 week sessions now.
One boy really was upset at the begining of class and said to the other kids "Stop saying it's graduation day! It makes me sad!" He came up and gave me a big hug. It does feel great to know these kids love learning!

But the kids were excited about getting their wands. One little girl brought a note from home saying she had lost the first day's intro le...
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Houdini Day

February 23, 2010
One of my favorite days is Houdini Day. I plan to do them all week!
So I kicked it off as always by asking if anyone has heard of Houdini. Sometimes one or two really know quite a bit about him. Maybe they read a biography and did a book report on him. None of them did today but they were first and second graders so mine was their first introduction to The Great One. I read the first page of The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick. It is a great build up. And I do try to do it justice with a dramati...
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About Me

Doug Welcome Teachers to the Teaching Magic Blog! I will use it to document the classes I teach adding any tips or tribulations I encounter. If you have any questions, comments or class experiences you would like to share then e-mail them to me and I will add them here!